Record Details

Corke, David
Reptile conservation on the Maria Islands (St Lucia, West Indies)
Biological Conservation
Journal Article
Iguana iguana
The Maria Islands (combined area < 12 ha) are a nature reserve under the management of the St Lucia National Trust. The two islands support populations of seven reptile species. Four are exclusive St Lucian endemics including two (the teiid lizard Cnemidophorus vanzoi and the colubrid snake Liophis ornatus) which survive only on these islands. The tree lizard Anolis luciae occurs with introduced congeners on mainland St Lucia but is present on the Maria Islands in the absence of introduced potential competitors. The gecko Hemidactylus palaichthus (previously known, within the Lesser Antilles, only from Maria Major) is reported from other islets and St Lucia mainland. The present status of Maria Island reptiles is reviewed and their conservation management discussed.