Record Details

Rodríguez Schettino, Lourdes
Algunos patrones distribucionales y ecológicos de los reptiles Cubanos
Serie Poeyana
Journal Article
Cyclura nubila nubila
The Cuban reptiles constitute a zoological group typical of insular faunas: 71.4% endemism, high species diversity, and many abundant species. There are 28 genera and 105 species, which belong to 13 families. Three genera are endemic in Cuba and eight in the Antillean subregion. The 50 species of the family Iguanidae are clustered into five patterns of geographical distribution: 3 Pan-Cuban species, 6 quasi Pan-Cuban species, 11 regional species, 17 with isolated populations, and 10 local species. Three do not fit at all with these patterns. According to the trophic structure, there are 11 genera feeding mainly upon vertebrates and other 11 upon invertebrates exclusively; six genera include vegetal matter in their diets. According to the habitat structure, most species live in wet forests and limestone forests, on tree trunks, and among shrubs and grasses. Conclusions about historical zoogeography are not attempted because of the present lack of geological and paleontological evidences.