Cope, Edward Drinker |
1864 |
On the characters of the higher groups of Reptilia Squamata: and especially of the Diploglossa |
Cope, Edward Drinker |
1866 |
Fourth contribution to the herpetology of tropical America |
Gundlach, J C |
1867 |
Revista y catálogo de los reptiles Cubanos |
Cope, Edward Drinker |
1875 |
Check-list of North American Batrachia and Reptilia; with a Systematic List of the Higher Groups, and an Essay on Geographical Distribution based on the Specimens Contained in the U.S. National Museum |
Gundlach, Juan C |
1880 |
Contribución a la Herpetología Cubana |
Günther, A |
1882 |
Observations on some rare reptiles and a batracian now or lately living in the Society's menagerie |
Bocourt, F |
1882 |
Note sur les espèces appartenant au genre Ctenosaura |
Boulenger, George Albert |
1885 |
Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum (Natural History). Volume 2: Iguanidae, Xenosauridae, Zonuridae, Anguidae, Anniellidae, Helodermatidae, Varanidae, Xantusiidae, Teiidae, Aphisbaenidae. |
Cope, Edward Drinker |
1885 |
Twelfth contribution to the herpetology of tropical America |
Boulenger, George Albert |
1885 |
Iguanidae |
Cope, Edward Drinker |
1885 |
The large iguanas of the Greater Antilles |
Boulenger, George Albert |
1886 |
Description of a new iguanoid lizard living in the Society's gardens |
Cope, Edward Drinker |
1886 |
On the species of Iguaninae |
Cope, Edward Drinker |
1887 |
List of batrachia and reptilia of the Bahama Islands |
Garman, S |
1887 |
On West Indian reptiles. Iguanidae |
Fischer, J G |
1888 |
Uber eine kollecktion reptilien und amphibien von Hayti |
Garman, S |
1888 |
Reptiles and batrachians from the Caymans and from The Bahamas |
Maynard, Charles J |
1889 |
Notes on the habits of some of the West Indian reptiles and batrachians |
Maynard, Charles J |
1889 |
Peculiar structure of the caecum of a leaf-eating lizard, Cyclura nubila |
Stejneger, Leonhard |
1891 |
Description of a new North American lizard of the genus Sauromalus |
Müller, F |
1892 |
Siebenter nachtrag zum katalog der herpetologischen sammlung des Basler Museums |
Garman, S |
1892 |
The reptiles of the Galapagos Islands |
Stejneger, Leonhard |
1893 |
Annotated list of the reptiles and batrachians collected by the Death Valley Expedition in 1891, with descriptions of new species |
Cope, Edward Drinker |
1893 |
Second addition to the knowledge of the batrachia and reptilia of Costa Rica |
Stejneger, Leonhard |
1898 |
Description of a new species of spiny-tailed iguana from Guatemala |
Rothschild, W |
1899 |
A review of the ornithology of the Galápagos Islands with notes on the Webster-Harris expedition |
Cope, Edward Drinker |
1900 |
The Crocodilians, Lizards, and Snakes of North America |
Meerwarth, H |
1901 |
Die wesindischen reptilien und batrachier des naturhistoischen museums in Hamburg |
Stejneger, Leonhard |
1901 |
On a new species of spiny-tailed iguana from Utilla Island, Honduras |
Linstow, V |
1902 |
Atractis cruciata und Oxyuris monhystera, zwei neue nematoden aus Metopoceros cornutus |
Heller, Edmund |
1903 |
Papers from the Hopkins-Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899. XIV. Reptiles |
Stejneger, Leonhard |
1903 |
A new species of large iguana from the Bahama Islands |
Barbour, Thomas |
1904 |
Batrachia and Reptilia from the Bahamas |
Stejneger, Leonhard |
1904 |
The herpetology of Porto Rico |
Stejneger, Leonhard |
1905 |
Batrachians and land reptiles of the Bahama Islands |
Barbour, Thomas |
1906 |
Reptilia, amphibia, and pisces |
Gandolfi, H |
1908 |
Die zunge der Agamidae und Iguanidae |
Dennis, D W |
1910 |
A tropical reptile near Richmond, Indiana |
Barbour, Thomas |
1910 |
Notes on the herpetology of Jamaica |
Van Denburgh, John |
1913 |
The Galapagoan lizards of the genus Tropidurus; with notes on the iguanas of the genera Conolophus and Amblyrhynchus |
Strassen, Otto |
1913 |
Lurche und Kriechtiere - Zweiter Band. Brehms Tierleben. Allgemeine Kunde des Tierreichs. 4th ed. |
Fowler, Henry W |
1913 |
Amphibians and reptiles from Ecuador, Venezuela, and Yucatan |
Barbour, Thomas |
1914 |
A contribution to the zoogeography of the West Indies, with especial reference to amphibians and reptiles |
Barbour, Thomas |
1916 |
Catalogo de los reptiles y anfibios de la isla de Cuba |
Barbour, Thomas |
1916 |
A revision of the lizards of the genus Cyclura |
Barbour, Thomas |
1916 |
Additional notes on West Indian reptiles and amphibians |
Barbour, Thomas |
1916 |
The reptiles and amphibians of the Isle of Pines |
Barbour, Thomas |
1916 |
Amphibians and reptiles from Tobago |
Stejneger, Leonhard |
1917 |
Cuban amphibians and reptiles collected for the United States National Museum from 1899 to 1902 |
Barbour, Thomas |
1917 |
Notes on the herpetology of the Virgin Islands |