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3034 records found. 50 records shown.
Author Year Title Document
Haslewood, G A D 1969 Comparative studies of bile salts. Bile salts of the lamprey Petromyzon marinus L
Hobson, Edmund S 1969 Remarks on aquatic habits of the Galapagos marine iguana, including submergence times, cleaning symbiosis, and the shark threat
Carpenter, Charles C 1969 Behavioral and ecological notes on the Galapagos land iguanas
Pawley, Ray 1969 Further notes on a captive colony of marine iguanas Amblyrhynchos cristatus at Brookfield Zoo, Chicago
Van Aperen, W 1969 Notes on the artificial hatchling of iguana eggs Iguana iguana at Melbourne Zoo
Barus, Vlastimil 1969 Helmintofauna de Cyclura macleayi Gray (Sauria, Iguanidae) en Cuba
Pough, F. Harvey 1969 The morphology of undersand respiration in reptiles
Barus, Vlastimil 1969 Systematic survey of nematodes parasitizing lizards (Sauria) in Cuba
Murphy, James B 1969 Notes on iguanids and varanids in a mixed exhibit at Dallas Zoo
Hunsaker II, Don 1969 The significance of interspecific social dominance of iguanid lizards
Cerny, V 1969 The tick fauna of Cuba
Bustard, H Robert 1970 Turtles and an iguana in Fiji
Crombie, Ronald I 1970 Index to the scientific names in "A Contribution to the Zoogeography of the West Indies with Especial Reference to Amphibians and Reptiles" by Thomas Barbour
Varona, Luis 1970 Vertebrados de los Cayos de San Felipe, Cuba, incluyendo una nueva especie de jutía
Coy Otero, A 1970 Contribucion al conocimiento de la helmintofauna de los saurios Cubanos
Weathers, Wesley W 1970 Physiological thermoregulation in the lizard Dipsosaurus dorsalis
Cahill, Cynthia 1970 The banded iguana of Fiji
Kay, Fenton R 1970 Environmental responses of active lizards at Saratoga Springs, Death Valley, California
Avery, David F 1970 Speciation in the Fijian and Tongan iguana Brachylophus (Sauria, Iguanidae) with the description of a new species
Minnich, John E 1970 Evaporative water loss from the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
Crawford Jr, Eugene C 1970 Cutaneous gas exchange in the lizard Sauromalus obesus
Fitch, Henry S 1970 Reproductive cycles in lizards and snakes
Minnich, John E 1970 Diet, behavior and water turnover in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
Woodley, J D 1971 Hellshire Hills Scientific Survey, 1970
Ma, P F 1971 Comparative studies of reptilian and avian adenosine deaminases
Pianka, Eric R 1971 Comparative ecology of two lizards
Minnich, John E 1971 Seasonal variation in weight-length relationships and fat body size in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
Mayhew, Wilbur W 1971 Reproduction in the desert lizard, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
Gorman, George C 1971 A biochemical approach towards the study of reptilian phylogeny: evolution of serum albumin and lactic dehydrogenase
Fitch, Henry S 1971 Ecological notes on some common lizards of southern Mexico and Central America
Anonymous 1971 Conservation in Hellshire
McGinnis, Samuel M 1971 Thermoregulatory behavior in three sympatric species of iguanid lizards
Zug, George R 1971 The distribution and patterns of the major arteries of the iguanids and comments on the intergeneric relationships of iguanids (Reptilia: Lacertilia)
Bastic, Dennis L 1971 Observations on the tumor-like growths in the chuckwalla, Sauromalus varius
Avery, David F 1971 Evolution of the iguanine lizards (Sauria, Iguanidae): as determined by osteological and myological characters
Callard, Ian P 1972 The control of the reptilian gonad
Gerstle, Jinny F 1972 Reproduction and estrogen-induced vitellogenesis in Dipsosaurus dorsalis
Callard, Ian P 1972 Hepatic protein and nucleic acid content in Dipsosaurus dorsalis following hypophysectomy and treatment with estradiol-17B and growth hormone
Parker, William S 1972 Notes on Dipsosaurus dorsalis in Arizona
Rand, A Stanley 1972 The temperatures of iguana nests and their relation to incubation optima and to nesting sites and season
Mittermeier, Russell A 1972 Jamaica's endangered species
Werner, Yehudah L 1972 Temperature effects on inner-ear sensitivity in six species of iguanid lizards
Case, Ted J 1972 Thermoregulation and evaporative cooling in the Chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus
Templeton, James R 1972 Salt and water balance in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
Sanborn, Sherburn R 1972 Food habits of Sauromalus obesus obesus on the Nevada Test Site
Bennett, Albert F 1972 The effect of activity on oxygen consumption, oxygen debt, and heart rate in the lizards Varanus gouldii and Sauromalus hispidus
Carey, W Michael 1972 The herpetology of Anegada, British Virgin Islands
Alvarez del Torro, M 1972 Los Reptiles de Chiapas. Segunda Edición
Smith, Hobart M 1972 The Sonoran subspecies of the lizard Ctenosaura hemilopha
Müller, Horst 1972 Ökologische und ethologische studien an Iguana iguana L. (Reptilia: Iguanidae) in Kolumbien