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3034 records found. 50 records shown.
Author Year Title Document
Duellman, William E 1966 The Central American herpetofauna: an ecological perspective
Vogel, Zdenek 1966 Herpetologische waarnemingen op Cuba (II)
Buide, Mario 1966 Reptiles de la Península Hicacos
Bartholomew, George A 1966 A field study of temperature relations in the Galapagos marine iguana
Shaw, Charles E 1966 The eggs and young of the marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)
Savage, Jay M 1966 The origins and history of the Central American herpetofauna
McGinnis, Samuel M 1966 Thermal behavior of the green iguana, Iguana iguana
Carpenter, Charles C 1966 The marine iguana of the Galápagos Islands, its behavior and ecology
Soulé, Michael 1966 Biogeography and distribution of the reptiles and amphibians on islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico
Cerny, V 1966 Nuevas garrapatas (Ixodoidea) en aves y reptiles de Cuba
Stolk, A 1966 Mijn ervaringen met enige Zuidamerikaanse reptielen (III) de Cubanse leguaan (Cyclura macleayi)
Thomas, Richard 1966 A reassessment of the herpetofauna of Navassa Island
Jarvis, C 1966 A survey of recent longevity records for reptiles and amphibians in zoos
Carey, W Michael 1966 Observations of the ground iguana Cyclura macleayi caymanensis on Cayman Brac, British West Indies
King, W 1966 The exotic herpetofauna of southeast Florida
Lynn, W G 1966 Thyroid morphology in lizards of the families Iguanidae and Agamidae
Patton, Thomas H 1967 Fossil vertebrates from Navassa Island, W. I.
DeWitt, Calvin B 1967 Precision of thermoregulation and its relation to environmental factors in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis
McGinnis, Samuel M 1967 Thermoregulation in the Desert Iguana Dipsosaurus dorsalis
Cohen, M M 1967 The somatic chromosomes of 3 lizard species: Gekko gecko, Iguana iguana, and Crotaphytus collaris
Sokol, O M 1967 Herbivory in lizards
Templeton, James R 1967 Panting and pulmonary inflation, two mutually exclusive responses in the Chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus
Buide, Mario 1967 Lista de los anfibios y reptiles de Cuba
Etheridge, Richard 1967 Lizard caudal vertebrae
Lisk, Robert D 1967 Neural control of gonad size by hormone feedback in the Desert Iguana Dipsosaurus dorsalis dorsalis
Lawson, Albert P 1967 Ecology of Feral Goats and Feral Pigs of Mona Island, Puerto Rico
McGinnis, Samuel M 1967 The adaptation of biotelemetry techniques to small reptiles
Grant, P R 1967 Unusual feeding of lizards on an island
Gorman, G C 1967 New karyotypic data on 15 genera of lizards in the family Iguanidae, with a discussion of taxonomic and cytological implications
Villa R, Jaime D 1967 The iguanid lizard Enyaliosaurus in Nicaragua
Asplund, Kenneth K 1967 Ecology of lizards in the relictual cape flora, Baja California
Garrido, Orlando 1968 Anfibios, reptiles y aves de la Península de Guanahacabibes, Cuba
Tauber, E S 1968 Electrophysiological and behavioral correlates of wakefulness and sleep in the lizard, Ctenosaura pectinata
Woodley, J D 1968 A history of the Jamaican fauna
Echternacht, Arthur C 1968 Distributional and ecological notes on some reptiles from northern Honduras
Rand, A Stanley 1968 A nesting aggregation of iguanas
Mackay, R Stuart 1968 Observations on peristaltic activity versus temperature and circadian rhythms in undisturbed Varanus flavescens and Ctenosaura pectinata
Montanucci, Richard R 1968 Comparative dentition in four iguanid lizards
Rand, A Stanley 1968 Desiccation rates in crocodile and iguana eggs
King, Wayne 1968 As a consequence many will die
Mays, Charles E 1968 Nocturnal behavior in iguanid lizards and possible correlation with roadkills
Gates, Gerald O 1968 Geographical distribution and character-analysis of the Iguanid lizard Sauromalus obesus in Baja California, Mexico
Müller, Horst 1968 Untersuchungen über wachstum und altersverteilung einer population des Grünen Leguans Iguana iguana iguana L. (Reptilia: Iguanidae)
Garrido, Orlando 1969 Anfibios, reptiles y aves de Cayo Cantiles
Lando, R V 1969 Notes on the herpetology of the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Wing, Elizabeth S 1969 Vertebrate remains excavated from San Salvador Island, Bahamas
Rand, A Stanley 1969 Predation on iguana nests
Haast, W E 1969 Hatching rhinoceros iguanas (Cyclura cornuta) at the Miami Serpentarium
Shaw, Charles E 1969 Breeding the rhinoceros iguana Cyclura cornuta cornuta at San Diego Zoo
Kohls, Glen M 1969 A new species of Amblyomma from iguanas in the Caribbean (Acarina: Ixodidae)