Duellman, William E |
1966 |
The Central American herpetofauna: an ecological perspective |
Vogel, Zdenek |
1966 |
Herpetologische waarnemingen op Cuba (II) |
Buide, Mario |
1966 |
Reptiles de la Península Hicacos |
Bartholomew, George A |
1966 |
A field study of temperature relations in the Galapagos marine iguana |
Shaw, Charles E |
1966 |
The eggs and young of the marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) |
Savage, Jay M |
1966 |
The origins and history of the Central American herpetofauna |
McGinnis, Samuel M |
1966 |
Thermal behavior of the green iguana, Iguana iguana |
Carpenter, Charles C |
1966 |
The marine iguana of the Galápagos Islands, its behavior and ecology |
Soulé, Michael |
1966 |
Biogeography and distribution of the reptiles and amphibians on islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico |
Cerny, V |
1966 |
Nuevas garrapatas (Ixodoidea) en aves y reptiles de Cuba |
Stolk, A |
1966 |
Mijn ervaringen met enige Zuidamerikaanse reptielen (III) de Cubanse leguaan (Cyclura macleayi) |
Thomas, Richard |
1966 |
A reassessment of the herpetofauna of Navassa Island |
Jarvis, C |
1966 |
A survey of recent longevity records for reptiles and amphibians in zoos |
Carey, W Michael |
1966 |
Observations of the ground iguana Cyclura macleayi caymanensis on Cayman Brac, British West Indies |
King, W |
1966 |
The exotic herpetofauna of southeast Florida |
Lynn, W G |
1966 |
Thyroid morphology in lizards of the families Iguanidae and Agamidae |
Patton, Thomas H |
1967 |
Fossil vertebrates from Navassa Island, W. I. |
DeWitt, Calvin B |
1967 |
Precision of thermoregulation and its relation to environmental factors in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis |
McGinnis, Samuel M |
1967 |
Thermoregulation in the Desert Iguana Dipsosaurus dorsalis |
Cohen, M M |
1967 |
The somatic chromosomes of 3 lizard species: Gekko gecko, Iguana iguana, and Crotaphytus collaris |
Sokol, O M |
1967 |
Herbivory in lizards |
Templeton, James R |
1967 |
Panting and pulmonary inflation, two mutually exclusive responses in the Chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus |
Buide, Mario |
1967 |
Lista de los anfibios y reptiles de Cuba |
Etheridge, Richard |
1967 |
Lizard caudal vertebrae |
Lisk, Robert D |
1967 |
Neural control of gonad size by hormone feedback in the Desert Iguana Dipsosaurus dorsalis dorsalis |
Lawson, Albert P |
1967 |
Ecology of Feral Goats and Feral Pigs of Mona Island, Puerto Rico |
McGinnis, Samuel M |
1967 |
The adaptation of biotelemetry techniques to small reptiles |
Grant, P R |
1967 |
Unusual feeding of lizards on an island |
Gorman, G C |
1967 |
New karyotypic data on 15 genera of lizards in the family Iguanidae, with a discussion of taxonomic and cytological implications |
Villa R, Jaime D |
1967 |
The iguanid lizard Enyaliosaurus in Nicaragua |
Asplund, Kenneth K |
1967 |
Ecology of lizards in the relictual cape flora, Baja California |
Garrido, Orlando |
1968 |
Anfibios, reptiles y aves de la Península de Guanahacabibes, Cuba |
Tauber, E S |
1968 |
Electrophysiological and behavioral correlates of wakefulness and sleep in the lizard, Ctenosaura pectinata |
Woodley, J D |
1968 |
A history of the Jamaican fauna |
Echternacht, Arthur C |
1968 |
Distributional and ecological notes on some reptiles from northern Honduras |
Rand, A Stanley |
1968 |
A nesting aggregation of iguanas |
Mackay, R Stuart |
1968 |
Observations on peristaltic activity versus temperature and circadian rhythms in undisturbed Varanus flavescens and Ctenosaura pectinata |
Montanucci, Richard R |
1968 |
Comparative dentition in four iguanid lizards |
Rand, A Stanley |
1968 |
Desiccation rates in crocodile and iguana eggs |
King, Wayne |
1968 |
As a consequence many will die |
Mays, Charles E |
1968 |
Nocturnal behavior in iguanid lizards and possible correlation with roadkills |
Gates, Gerald O |
1968 |
Geographical distribution and character-analysis of the Iguanid lizard Sauromalus obesus in Baja California, Mexico |
Müller, Horst |
1968 |
Untersuchungen über wachstum und altersverteilung einer population des Grünen Leguans Iguana iguana iguana L. (Reptilia: Iguanidae) |
Garrido, Orlando |
1969 |
Anfibios, reptiles y aves de Cayo Cantiles |
Lando, R V |
1969 |
Notes on the herpetology of the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba |
Wing, Elizabeth S |
1969 |
Vertebrate remains excavated from San Salvador Island, Bahamas |
Rand, A Stanley |
1969 |
Predation on iguana nests |
Haast, W E |
1969 |
Hatching rhinoceros iguanas (Cyclura cornuta) at the Miami Serpentarium |
Shaw, Charles E |
1969 |
Breeding the rhinoceros iguana Cyclura cornuta cornuta at San Diego Zoo |
Kohls, Glen M |
1969 |
A new species of Amblyomma from iguanas in the Caribbean (Acarina: Ixodidae) |