Oelrich, Thomas M |
1956 |
The anatomy of the head of Ctenosaura pectinata (Iguanidae) |
Hardy, J D |
1956 |
Notes on the Cuban iguana |
Rabb, George |
1957 |
The Van Voast - American Museum of Natural History Bahamian Island Expedition: record of the expedition and general features of the islands |
Wilhoft, Daniel C |
1958 |
Observations on preferred body temperature and feeding habits of some selected tropical iguanas |
Cowles, Raymond B |
1958 |
Possible origin of dermal temperature regulation |
Dawson, William R |
1958 |
Metabolic and cardiac responses to temperature in the lizard Dipsosaurus dorsalis |
Cliff, Frank S |
1958 |
A new species of Sauromalus from Mexico |
Cooper, J E |
1958 |
Ecological notes on some Cuban lizards |
Proctor, George R |
1959 |
Observations on Navassa Island |
Duellman, William E |
1959 |
Variation, distribution, and ecology of the iguanid lizard Enylaliosaurus clarki of Michoacan, Mexico |
Pianka, Eric R |
1959 |
Distributional records for certain Mexican and Guatemalan reptiles |
Templeton, James R |
1960 |
Respiration and water loss at the higher temperatures in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis |
Cochran, Doris |
1961 |
Type specimens of reptiles and amphibians in the U.S. National Museum |
Etheridge, Richard |
1961 |
Additions to the herpetological fauna of Isla Cerralvo in the Gulf of California, Mexico |
Carpenter, Charles C |
1961 |
Patterns of social behavior in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis |
Belkin, Daniel A |
1961 |
The running speeds of the lizards Dipsosaurus dorsalis and Callisaurus draconoides |
Banks, Richard C |
1962 |
Observations on reptiles of Cerralvo Island, Baja California, México |
Dowling, Herndon G |
1962 |
Sea dragons of the Galapagos: the marine iguanas |
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenaeus |
1962 |
Neue unterarten der meerechse, Amblyrhynchus cristatus, nebst weiteren angaben zur biologie der art |
Clifford, Carleton M |
1962 |
Description of the female of Dermacentor laths Cooley and of Amblyomma albopictum Neumann (Acarina - Ixodidae) |
Mayhew, Wilbur W |
1963 |
Some food preferences of captive Sauromalus obesus |
Moberly, Walter R |
1963 |
Hibernation in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis |
Hirth, Harold F |
1963 |
Some aspects of the natural history of Iguana iguana on a tropical strand |
Soulé, Michael |
1963 |
Aspects of thermoregulation in nine species of lizards from Baja California |
Mackay, R Stuart |
1964 |
Galapagos tortoise and marine iguana deep body temperatures measured by radio telemetry |
Dowling, Herndon G |
1964 |
Goats and hawks - a new theory of predation on the land iguana |
Mayhew, W W |
1964 |
Taxonomic status of California populations of the lizard genus Uma |
Williams, E |
1964 |
Remarks on the relationship of reptiles and amphibians of the Cayman Islands |
Templeton, James R |
1964 |
Cardiovascular response to temperature in the lizard Sauromalus obesus |
Etheridge, Richard |
1964 |
Late Pleistocene lizards from Barbuda, British West Indies |
Ray, Clayton E |
1964 |
A small assemblage of vertebrate fossils from Spring Bay, Barbados |
Lewis, John E |
1964 |
Hepatozoon sauromali sp. n., a Hemogregarine from the Chuckwalla (Sauromalus spp.) with notes on the life history |
Norris, Kenneth S |
1964 |
Observations on the water economy and electrolyte excretion of chuckwallas (Lacertilia, Sauromalus) |
Etheridge, Richard |
1964 |
The skeletal morphology and systematic relationships of sceloporine lizards |
Tanner, Wilmer W |
1964 |
A new Sauromalus obesus from the upper Colorado Basin of Utah |
Newell, Irwin M |
1964 |
Hirstiella pyriformis sp. n. (Acari, Pterygosomidae), a new parasite of lizards from Baja California |
Allred, Dorald M |
1964 |
Mites on reptiles at the Nevada Atomic Test Site |
Avery, David F |
1964 |
The osteology and myology of the head and thorax regions of the obesus group of the genus Sauromalus dumeril (Iguanidae) |
Bartholomew, George A |
1965 |
Heating and cooling rates, heart rate and simulated diving in the Galapagos marine iguana |
Etheridge, Richard |
1965 |
Pleistocene lizards from New Providence |
Vogel, Zdenek |
1965 |
Herpetologische beobachtungen auf Kuba |
Peters, James A |
1965 |
Index to the scientific names in "Classification of the Lizards" by Charles Lewis Camp 1923 |
Loftin, Horace |
1965 |
Iguanas as carrion eaters |
Etheridge, Richard |
1965 |
The abdominal skeleton of lizards in the family Iguanidae |
Mitchell, Ormond G |
1965 |
Hepatozoon sauromali from the Chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus, in California |
Stolk, A |
1965 |
Mijn ervaringen met enige Zuidamerikaanse reptielen (II) de neushoornleguaan (Cyclura cornuta) |
Licht, Paul |
1965 |
Thermal requirements for embryonic development in the tropical lizard Iguana iguana |
Hobson, Edmund S |
1965 |
Observations on diving in the Galapagos marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus (Bell) |
Duellman, William E |
1965 |
Amphibians and reptiles from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico |
Johnson, Shelly R |
1965 |
An ecological study of the chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus Baird, in the western Mojave Desert |