Search Results

3034 records found. 50 records shown.
Author Year Title Document
Grant, Tandora D 1996 Lost and found: hope for the Jamaican iguana PDF Format  
Bowler, J Kevin 1996 Taxon Management Account: Rhinoceros Iguana, Cyclura cornuta cornuta
Christie, Bill 1996 Taxon Management Account: Ricord's Iguana, Cyclura ricordi
Powell, Robert 1996 A brief history of West Indian herpetology
Thomas, Richard 1996 The herpetology of Puerto Rico: past, present, and future
Wagner, Erica L 1996 Low temperature and exercise recovery in the desert iguana
Dorge, R 1996 A tour of the Grand Cayman blue iguana (Cyclura nubila lewisi) captive-breeding facility
Hedges, S Blair 1996 The origin of West Indian amphibians and reptiles
Rassmann, Kornelia 1996 Molecular genetics and conservation in the Galapagos
Rehák, Ivan 1996 The first captive breeding of the rhinoceros iguanas, Cyclura cornuta, in Czech Republic
Powell, Robert 1996 An annotated checklist of West Indian amphibians and reptiles
Florin, D A 1996 Operation sea signal and the Cuban ground iguana
Byrd, Dan 1997 Turks and Caicos Island rock iguanas
Donovan, Stephen K 1997 Availability of fossiliferous sediment from the red hills road cave (late Pleistocene), Jamaica
Colgan, D J 1997 Genetic discrimination between the iguanas Brachylophus vitiensis and Brachylophus fasciatus
Snaddon, Cara 1997 Pook's Hill green iguana project, 1996-1997 PDF Format  
Alberts, Allison C 1997 Use of a non-contact temperature reader for measuring skin surface temperatures and estimating internal body temperatures in lizards
Lemm, Jeffrey M 1997 Guided by nature: conservation research and captive husbandry of the Cuban iguana
Gier, Paul Joseph 1997 Iguanid mating systems: ecological causes and sexual selection consequences
van den Heuvel, Wim 1997 Een nieuwe naam Ctenosaura palearis?
Kinkaid, John 1997 Captive breeding of the Fijian banded iguana at the San Diego Zoo
Montanucci, Richard R 1997 Captive management, behavior and conservation of chuckwallas, Sauromalus obesus (Lacertilia: Iguanidae)
Rassmann, Kornelia 1997 Hybridization between the Galápagos land and marine iguana (Conolophus subcristatus and Amblyrhynchus cristatus) on Plaza Sur
Hudson, Richard D 1997 Rock Iguana SSP profile
Anonymous 1997 Iguana go home
Rehák, Ivan 1997 Second generation of Cuban iguanas, Cyclura nubila, born in Prague Zoo
Blazquez, M Carmen 1997 Factors influencing the selection of basking perches on Cardon Cacti by Spiny-tailed Iguanas (Ctenosaura hemilopha)
Delibes, M 1997 Seasonal food habits of bobcats (Lynx rufus) in subtropical Baja California Sur, Mexico
Huitrón-Reséndiz, S 1997 Effect of p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) on sleep and monoamines content in the brain of a lizard species
Fuhri, Carl 1997 Status of the Sandy Cay rock iguana, Cyclura rileyi cristata PDF Format  
van Marken Lichtenbelt, Wouter D 1997 Energetic consequences of field body temperatures in the green iguana
Wikelski, Martin 1997 Energy limits to body size in a grazing reptile, the Galapagos marine iguana
Trias, M 1997 Una campaña en la República Dominicana. Resultados preliminares
Petren, Kenneth 1997 A phylogenetic analysis of body size evolution and biogeography in chuckwallas (Sauromalus) and other iguanines
Wikelski, Martin 1997 Body size and sexual size dimorphism in marine iguanas fluctuate as a result of opposing natural and sexual selection: an island comparison
Hollingsworth, Bradford D 1997 Geographic distribution: Sauromalus ater ater (Espíritu Santo chuckwalla)
Hollingsworth, Bradford D 1997 The occurrence of Sauromalus varius on a satellite islet of Isla Salsipuedes, Gulf of California, México
Tenlén, Rikhard 1997 Lesser Antillean iguana, Iguana delicatissima Laurenti, 1768: species status at St. Eustatius
Tenlén, Rikhard 1997 Vähä-Antillien leguaani Iguana delicatissima Laurenti 1768
Tenlén, Rikhard 1997 Mona-saaren leguaani, Cyclura cornuta stejnegeri, Barbour & Noble 1916
Bendon, John 1997 A delicate situation: Iguana delicatissima at the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust PDF Format  
Köhler, Gunther 1997 Conservation and research project: Utila iguana PDF Format  
Hatfield, III, James W 1997 Encounter with the iguana mama PDF Format  
Kaplan, Melissa 1997 Inside the labyrinth: why numbers of iguana imports do not add up PDF Format  
Oftedal, Olav T 1997 Preliminary observations on the relationship of calcium Ingestion to vitamin D Status in the Green Iguana (Iguana iguana)
Fuhri, Janet 1997 Searching for Iguana delicatissima PDF Format  
Cagle, Jane 1997 The green iguana in captivity: do iguanas have the ability to adapt to common environmental stimuli? PDF Format  
Rassmann, Kornelia 1997 The microevolution of the Galápagos marine iguana Amblyrhynchus cristatus assessed by nuclear and mitochondrial genetic analyses
Elfström, Bruce 1997 Genus Ctenosaura: the spiny-tailed iguanas
Kinkaid, John 1997 Iguanas of the South Pacific