Bock, Brian C |
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Factors influencing nesting synchrony and hatching success at a green iguana nesting aggregation in Panama |
Bock, Brian C |
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Seasonal migration and nesting site fidelity in the green iguana |
Bock, Brian C |
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Nesting season movements of female green iguanas (Iguana iguana) in Panama |
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Note sur les espèces appartenant au genre Ctenosaura |
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El manejo de la iguana verde: a look at Dr. Dagmar Werner's breeding project |
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The benefits of sleeping aggregations in marine iguanas, Amblyrhynchus cristatus |
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A preliminary analysis of the herpetofauna of Sonora |
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Calcium metabolism in iguanas |
Bogoslavsky, Bruce |
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Iguana nutrition |
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The conservation status of the world's reptiles |
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Bonham, Samantha |
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Mystery over dead iguanas - health advisory issued |
Bonham, Samantha |
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Green iguana painted blue |
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Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique des Trois Règnes de la Nature, Erpétologie |
Boonman, John |
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Leguanen van Utila 1. De groene leguaan (Iguana iguana) en de gewone zwarte leguaan (Ctenosaura similis) |
Boonman, John |
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Leguanen van Utila 2. De Zwarte Leguaan van Utila (Ctenosaura bakeri) |
Borrell, John |
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The chicken of the trees: a scientist proposes farming lizards to save embattled forests |
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Wirtelschwanzleguane im Löbbecke-Museum Cyclura cychlura figginsi |
Boswell, Evelyn |
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Chance encounter brings Cuban student to MSU to study paleontology |
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Costa Rica project: it's feed an iguana, save a tree |
Boulenger, George Albert |
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Description of a new iguanoid lizard living in the Society's gardens |
Boulenger, George Albert |
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Iguanidae |
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Bowdoin, J |
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From discovery to recovery: a second chance for the Jamaican iguana |
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Archaeology of the islands in the San Lorenzo Chain, Gulf of California, México |
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Cyrtosomum mega sp. n. (Nematoda: Oxyuroidea) from the lizard, Cyclura carinata |
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Longevity of reptiles and amphibians in North American collections |
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Taxon Management Account: Rhinoceros Iguana, Cyclura cornuta cornuta |
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Green iguana care |
Boyer, Thomas H |
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Common problems and treatment of green iguanas (Iguana iguana) |
Boylan, T |
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Unpublished report to the Regional Herp. Management Team on captive Fijian banded iguana Brachylophus fasciatus within Australasia |
Boylan, T |
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Breeding the rhinoceros iguana, Cyclura c. cornuta, at Sydney Zoo |
Boylan, T |
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Captive management of a population of rhinoceros iguanas Cyclura cornuta cornuta at Taronga Zoo, Sydney |
Boylan, T |
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Reproduction of the Fijian crested iguana Brachylophus vitiensis at Taronga Zoo, Sydney |
Bracken, Amy |
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Where human life is precarious, Haitians look out for a rare iguana |
Bradley, Kelly A |
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Update for Anegada Iguana |
Bradley, Kelly A |
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2018 Update for the Anegada Iguana Conservation Program |
Bradley, Kelly A |
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Taxon report: Anegada Island iguana (Cyclura pinguis). Headstart release update |
Bradley, Kelly A |
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The Anegada iguana |
Bradley, Kelly A |
2005 |
Conservation of the Anegada iguana (Cyclura pinguis) |
Bradley, Kelly A |
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Release of headstarted iguanas in Anegada, British Virgin Islands |
Bradley, Kelly A |
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Zoo based conservation efforts and the Anegada iguana |
Bradley, Kelsey |
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Welcome by the Charles Darwin Foundation |
Brady, Heather |
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6-Foot iguana shot with crossbow rescued in Florida |
Brattstrom, Bayard H |
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Amphibians and reptiles from Gypsum Cave, Nevada |
Breen, Justin |
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Chicago scientist tries to save endangered iguanas, and why you should care |
Brennan, Deborah Sullivan |
2013 |
Island-hopping for iguanas |
Brent, Cassandra |
2013 |
New species named after UWI professor |