Arcos-Garcia, José Luis;Reynoso Rosales, Victor Hugo;Mendoza Martínez, Germán David;Clemente Sánchez, Fernando;Tarango Arámbula, Luis A;Crosby G, María M
Efecto del tipo de dieta y temperatura sobre el crecimiento y eficiencia alimenticia de la iguana negra (Ctenosaura pectinata)
Revista Cientifica
Journal Article
Ctenosaura pectinata
Thirty-two juvenile black iguanas (Ctenosaura pectinata) with an average initial weight of 223.3 g were used to evaluate the effect of temperature and type of diet on food intake and growth. Black iguanas were treated in a completely randomized 4 × 4 design. The iguanas were fed ad libitum with four commercial feeds: (1) broilers' feed (20% CP), (2) layers' feed (16% CP), (3) rabbit' feed (15.5% CP), and (4) alfalfa leaves (25.6 % CP); and were raised in low (27°C), mid-low (28.7°C) mid-high (31.5°C) and high (35.4°C) temperature regimes. Relation between diet and temperature was found (P > 0.05) nonetheless, partial efficiency of food utilization was higher at 31.5 and 35°C. Also no differences between type of diet (P > 0.05) and daily weight gain were noticed. However, iguanas fed with broilers' feed lost weight (?0.17 g/day) compared to the other feed treatments. Food intake was higher (P < 0.05) for rabbit' feed (1.7 g/day) and broilers' feed (1.3 g/day) than for layers' feed (0.9 g/day) or alfalfa leaves (0.6 g/day). Partial efficiency of feed utilization above maintenance was higher for alfalfa leaves and rabbit feed than for layer concentrate. It is concluded that rabbits feed improved weight gain and high temperature improved daily feed intake and weight gain. In contrast a mid-high (31.5 to and 35.0°C) was higher in partial efficiency of feed utilization.