Record Details

Smith, Hobart M;Kohler, A J
A survey of herpetological introductions in the United States and Canada
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science
Journal Article
Iguana iguana;Ctenosaura pectinata;Ctenosaura hemilopha;Cyclura cornuta cornuta;distribution
A search of the literature reveals that 75 exotic species have been imported into the United States (including Hawaii) in sufficient abundance and in territories of sufficient potential hospitability to enable them to survive. Excluded are the myriad waif releases of single specimens or of more than one in clearly inhospitable habitats. Thirty-two endemic species are known to have been introduced into areas where they do not now normally occur. Monitored introduction of exotic species that are regarded unlikely to displace native species should be encouraged. Introduction of endemics into areas where they do not now occur should not be permitted; introductions of specimens from one part of a species range into another are especially objectionable. Augmentation by man of biotic diversity achieved by resource partitioning among exotic and native species is a desirable calculated product insofar as it can be achieved, since it utilizes niche potentials to a degree not otherwise approachable. Specific regulations are suggested. The introduced species of amphibians and reptiles are listed and categorized, and references are given to the literature on each.